Most companies focus too much on measuring customer satisfaction. The true way to optimize lies in researching dissatisfaction. Find out why.
Must read
Online surveys: useful or useless?
Online surveys can give you amazing insights into your visitors. But only if you do them right. Discover the do’s and don’ts of online surveys.
Do’s and don’ts for a good usertest
User testing is an extremely valuable user research method to gain insight into your visitors’ behaviour. Provided you do it right. Check out the do’s and don’ts of user testing.
All blog posts for usability
11 tips to turn your visitors into customers
Lots of eye-opening examples. Warning: you may not always like what you see.
How can you turn your visitors into customers?
13 quotes that show the customer isn’t ready for a good website
Sometimes a client says something that makes it clear to us usability professionals that they are simply not ready for a good website.
Read these 13 quotes that make our blood boil
Homepage design: horizontal lines
A long homepage isn’t always a cardinal sin. At least not when it looks orderly and structured.
Find out why horizontal lines are a good idea on a homepage
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3 Gerry McGovern quotes
My colleague Karl and I are sometimes told by customers that we’re not exactly subtle when it comes to stating our opinions. Compared to Gerry McGovern we’re sissies.
Find out the mantra every webteam should say out loud every morning
Search = type-in field + button
If your website has a search feature, it’s important that visitors recognize it as such. And know how to use it.
Read our tips for a simple search interface
Search is no place to get creative
Creativity is a good thing. Getting overly creative when designing a search feature isn’t.
Read this short story about search in 4 screenshots
Search results: layout tips
Make sure your search results pages help people find what they’re looking for fast.
Use these tips to reduce the drop-off on your search results pages
Breadcrumb: 7 tips
A breadcrumb shows you where you are on a website. But it can do much more.
These 7 tips will turn your breadcrumb into a practical addition to the navigation
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