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Case studies

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AGConsult helped to launch itsme®. Learn how our lean user tests contributed to the development of a successful and user-friendly financial app.

Carglass® wants to offer their customers the same convenience as So they’ve been working with us since 2016. And they’ve earned back their yearly investment in us several times.

The Flemish expertise center for sexual health had 6 sites, with 15,000 pages. Confusing for visitors, expensive for Sensoa. We created a lean content strategy that saves them time and money.

83% more transactions and 118% more revenue. That’s the result of 1 year conversion optimization for Yoast. By optimizing the website and in-app copy based on user research and AB-testing.

We helped software company Enfocus to make the switch from licensing to an online subscription model. With 5.500 new subscriptions, results have exceeded expectations.

This bridal shop doesn’t sell online. Our job: growing their online leads and getting the right brides into the actual shop. We helped grow revenue by 40%, so we must be doing something right.

Logo Ghent University

Cleaning up 120 subsites and 100.000 pages? That’s a job for AGConsult. We simplified the online ecosystem of Ghent University, based on thorough user research.      

Our user tests with children brought the strengths and weaknesses of the VTMKZOOM app to the surface. Because of that, the success of the children’s app has exceeded all expectations.

We drew up the information architecture and concept of the Suzuki web site. The result: we doubled the amount of leads and halved the bounce rate. Thanks to our AB-testing, Suzuki continues to improve its online ROI.