83% more transactions and 118% more revenue. By optimizing their online business based on user research and ab-testing. Without spending anything on advertising.
Different pages for different stages in the awareness funnel
Yoast had one product page for their Yoast SEO WordPress plugin. That sounds logical, doesn’t it?
But using one and the same page to target different kinds of visitors isn’t always the best strategy.
AGConsult co-founder Karl: “When you create a page for the average customer, you get average results. A salesperson who uses exactly the same sales pitch for every potential client, will not be very successful. A good salesperson adapts the message to the customer. Something most companies seem to forget when selling online.”
Project lead Davy Van Den Bremt: “Our research confirmed this. The page was visited by very different audiences, including:
- WordPress newbies
- Users of the free version of the plugin
- Web professionals
And those various visitor groups all had different questions about the plugin. They were looking for different kinds of information.”
That’s why we made different landing pages (with different copy) for people in these different stages of awareness. And because we adapted the message to their needs and situation, this resulted in both more sales and more downloads.
Help people choose
Our user research also revealed that some visitors didn’t understand the differences between the free and the Premium version of the SEO plugin. The advantages of the Premium version weren’t very clear to a lot of people.
Karl: “That’s something we often see. Companies just list the features of their products, but they leave all the hard work to the potential customers. They expect them to read everything, figure out what the real benefits are for themselves and then make up their mind.”
Compare this with real life. If you ask a bad salesperson a question, often they just read out the packaging to you. A good salesperson knows their product range inside out, asks you the right questions and guides you to the best solution for you.
Liesa Carton, conversion copywriter at AGConsult: “To help people choose the best SEO plugin for their needs, we adapted the copywriting. We switched from a feature-oriented approach to a customer-centric approach: what is the advantage of a certain feature, when do you need it, and how does it make your life easier.”
Of course, we didn’t just blindly change the page, cross our fingers and hope for the best. We AB-tested several versions and are in fact still tweaking the page. Because there’s always room for improvement.
Don’t be afraid to test things out of your comfort zone
“With results like this, it’s clear that choosing AGConsult as our conversion partner has been one of the best investments of the past years”, Michiel says. “That doesn’t mean it was smooth sailing right from the start. In the beginning, we were often worried about what our visitors might think of the A/B tests AGConsult wanted to run.”
“Like many companies, we invest a lot in our corporate identity. Some of the suggested changes provoked heated discussions within our company. But our curiosity won out in the end, so we decided to just test it. After all, we asked AGConsult for their expertise in conversion optimization. We might as well trust them to know what they’re doing.”
According to Karl, this attitude is the main reason Yoast got these results: “A lot of companies ask us to grow their business, but are then very reluctant to follow through on our proposals for A/B tests. Or they want us to adapt our proposals to what they think we should test. Of course, those types of watered-down A/B tests are failures more often than winners. Not Yoast, though. Yoast gives us almost 100% freedom. And the results have proven them right.”
The results of our collaboration? More sales than ever
After only 3 months of working together, Yoast had their best month ever in terms of sales.
Michiel: “As soon as we saw the results from the A/B tests, we felt like we had no time to lose. Of course, the implementation of a winning version is extra work. But if you can significantly increase your sales, it’s just stupid not to act on those results. You’re literally losing money if you don’t do it.”
After 1 year of collaboration with Yoast, their revenue more than doubled. Without Yoast spending anything extra on online advertising. Karl: “We reached this result by optimizing what was already there. We got lots and lots more clients out of the visitors of the website and the users of the free version of the plug-in.”
A real collaboration
Michiel: “For us, it’s about more than just numbers and business. AGConsult has started to feel like our own conversion department. Thanks to our weekly web meetings and regular messages on Basecamp and Github, we are involved in every step of the process.”
And… the story continues
After 2 years of working together, Yoast decided to take CRO fully in-house.They felt like they’d learned enough from us to go it alone. And they did great. A few years later, Yoast got acquired by NewFold Digital.
Yoast’s new parent company felt they were ready to once again take the next step in terms of experimentation. And because of our proven track record, we were the obvious choice.
Fast forward to today, where our new partnership is once again leading to the kind of business results that have us working together for another 2 years now.