Tag: title tag

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Digital disruption: the myth debunked

Digital disruption being the leading cause of death among companies, is bullshit. Since the internet has taken off, the turnover of companies has actually never been more stable. Check the data.

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Research top tasks: 60% of visitors come to your website for the same 4 top tasks

Identifying your users’ top tasks will help you optimize the UX design and usability of your website. Discover why top tasks are so important.

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Do’s and don’ts for a good user test

User testing is an extremely valuable user research method to gain insight into your visitors’ behaviour. Provided you do it right. Check out the do’s and don’ts of user testing.

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Customer Experience Barometer 2020: online customer experience is worst at large retail chains

Our Customer Experiennce Barometer 2020 shows Belgian consumers find the CX of large international webshops the best. Traditional retail chains score worst.

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Design tips for irresistible call-to-action buttons

What is truly important when designing CTA’s or call-to-action buttons? These are the 3 things you really need to pay attention to.

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5 CRO myths you should know about – and tips to do it right

CRO specialist André Morys states this: to make CRO really work in your organization, you will need a change in company culture. Karl Gilis talks to André about the most common pitfalls in conversion optimization, and how to avoid them.
Discover what you should and should not do, to make your CRO work.

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Improving customer experience: how can you make a real difference?

What are the things that truly matter when it comes to customer experience? Discover the things that really make a difference to your CX.

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7 tips to become truly customer-centric: because happy customers are returning customers!

What do you need to do to really become customer centric? These 7 tips will skyrocket your customer happiness scores.

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The ultimate UX tip for your category pages: help your visitors choose!

Most websites leave lots of money on the table with their category or product overview pages. Because they lack the 1 thing that a good category page should do: helping visitors to find the best solution for them.
Discover the one UX tip that will boost your category pages

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App usability & App user testing

User testing is a crucial step in ensuring the usability and success of your app. Because it’s your users who decide whether or not your app is successful.

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Website usability

The goal of website usability? More, more satisfied and more returning users and customers. But how do you tackle that?

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Key tips for copy that converts

At the Copywriting Conference 2018 we learned some key insights for copy that converts, from UX copywriters, direct mail strategists and other writing geniuses.
Get the key tips for copy that converts

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Web design trends: bad for your website?

The design of your website is important. But just following the latest web design trends is not a good idea. Most of the time, it’ll only cost you leads and revenue. When we analyze our A/B tests, we see that content beats design. What’s more, content changes often have an impact that’s up to 5 times bigger than design changes. It’s time to pay more attention to content. 
Find out which trends don’t matter and are costing you money every day

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6 ways to make more money with Cialdini’s principle of unity

In his latest work, Pre-Suasion, American psychologist and best-selling author Robert Cialdini presents a 7th principle of influence: unity. We’ll tell you what this principle is all about. And what’s more: we’ll give you 6 surprising ways to make more money with this new principle. 
Discover how you can persuade your visitors by using unity

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User testing: what, why and how?

User testing is a fantastic method to increase your website’s or intranet’s usability. And to increase empathy with your users. But why is it such a great user research method? What are the basic principles? And which type of user testing can you use in which situation? 
Find out all you need to know about user testing

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How to speed up your usability research with first-click testing or screenshot testing

For many people, usability research means user testing. But there are many other methods too. Less time-consuming methods that allow you to gather feedback from a larger group of users. At AGConsult, we like the screenshot testing tool Chalkmark. It’s an incredibly useful tool, especially for testing website structures and mock-ups.
Discover how we use Chalkmark to achieve good results faster

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10 conversion tips that work on any website

10 conversion tips that work on any website. Apply these tips to get more leads and sales out of the same amount of visitors.

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Experts don’t know everything, not even usability experts

Web builders or information architects who claim they don’t need to involve real users because ‘they know what’s best’ are pretty pretentious.
Do you believe experts know everything?

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Content Management Systems don’t manage websites – people do

A CMS is a great tool that helps you create and publish content on your website. What a CMS can’t do, is manage your website’s content.
Find out why you need a real live person to do that

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Product overview: do’s and don’ts

If you’re offering 2 or more similar products or services, people should be able to compare them easily. 
Take a look at these good and bad examples of product overview pages

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Registration kills conversion

A lot of online shops force you to create an account or register before you can buy anything. Not the best move if you want to actually make some money.
Find out why registration costs you money

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Title and description tags: a complete guide

The most complete guide to the most important metadata on the web: page title and description tags.
How do you write good page titles and description tags?

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How to track down the least visited pages of your website and what to do with them

Producing content is fun. But are all those pages really helping users? Or are they getting in the way?
Read our step-by-step guide to putting your website on a diet

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Analyse your site search to increase ROI

Finding out what people use your search feature for, helps you to know what your visitors really want. Once you know that, you can adjust your site accordingly.
Read our tips to turn that knowledge into profit

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Analyse your own site search with Google Analytics

By telling Google Analytics how your search feature works, you can analyse your visitors’ search queries.
Find out how to hook up your search feature to Google Analytics

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Faceted search: 4 design tips

If you have a large range of closely related products or services, faceted search helps people to look for things based on criteria that are important for them.
What are the do’s and don’ts in faceted search?

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5 tips to show users where they are on your website

Not everyone enters your website via the homepage. As a matter of fact, most people don’t. 
Read our 5 tips to help people know where they are on your site

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Navigation versus search

Is navigation still important? Or do most people use your search feature?
If you’ve never checked your analytics, you’re in for a surprise…

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12 tips for the perfect description tag

A good description tag helps you get more visitors via Google.
Read our 12 tips to write a description tag that delivers

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Description tag: what is it and why is it so important?

The description tag is a hidden piece of html code that can make the difference between some visitors via Google and loads of visitors via Google.
What is a description tag and why should you care?

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